

Mount Holyoke College recognizes that climate change is threatening people and ecosystems around the globe and that without intervention centered around justice that impact will continue to escalate. We all, 尤其是我们这些在工业世界中享有特权的人, share a responsibility to seek solutions to prevent future devastating consequences to our natural world and our lives.

作为一个教育机构, we are in a position to lead by educating students and the broader community on the science of climate change, 在政治上也是如此, 影响它的经济和社会因素. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact on the planet and have set the goal of 到2037年实现碳中和是书院200周年校庆.

我们也对环境的可持续性负有责任, and to understanding its connection to multiple communities — locally and globally — both in terms of the people moving through the institution and the resources it consumes. 在…的支持下 米勒·沃利环境中心, we are committed to advancing our core education and research to impact leadership in local and global sustainability and to foster a culture of responsibility on campus.